Saturday 4 August 2018


The scrotum is a skin covered sac that holds your also contains the arteries and veins that deliver blood to the reproductive glands. A vein abnormality in the scrotum may result in a varicocele.these veins are called the pampiniform plexus.

varicocele (VAR-ih-koe-seel) is an enlargement of the veins within the loose bag of skin that holds your testicles (scrotum). A varicocele is similar to a varicose vein you might see in your leg. Varicoceles are a common cause of low sperm production and decreased sperm quality, which can cause infertility. However, not all varicoceles affect sperm production. Varicoceles can also cause testicles to fail to develop normally or shrink. Most varicoceles develop over time. Fortunately, most varicoceles are easy to diagnose and many don't need treatment

Varicoceles are common. They can be found in 15 percent of the adult male population and around 20 percent of adolescent males. They’re more common in males aged 15 to 25.


A VARICOCELE often produce no sign or symptoms rarely it might cause pain
swelling in the scrotum, mostly on left side, above testis.
Mild to moderate pain on standing for longer time.
Heaviness in the testes.
Impaired fertility


withtime varicocele might enlarge andbecome more noticeable.A varicocele has been described as looking like a ‘bag of worms’


HOwever, many experts believe a varicocele forms when the valves inside the veins in the cord prevent your blood from flowing properly. The resulting backup causes the veins to widen (dilate). This might cause damage to the testicle and result in worsened fertility.

Varicoceles often form during puberty. Varicoceles usually occur on the left side, most likely because of the position of the left testicular vein.

Pressure above the plexus which disturbs the upward flow of venous blood, example are hernia, arterial pressure.

Incompetence of the valves of the plexus.
Spermatic cord problems which disturbs the flow of venous blood.
Varicocele disturbs the sperm production is controversial.
Some varicocele patients have good sperm production and some have abnormal production.
Varicocele patients also suffers from small testes and shrunken testes (in some cases).

Pooling of the blood in the veins of scrotum disturb the temperature of the testes and that leads to improper production of sperm.


Shrinkage of the affected testicle (atrophy). The bulk of the testicle comprises sperm-producing tubules. When damaged, as from varicocele, the testicle shrinks and softens. It's not clear what causes the testicle to shrink, but the malfunctioning valves allow blood to pool in the veins, which can result in increased pressure in the veins and exposure to toxins in the blood that may cause testicular damage.

Infertility. This condition can have an effect on fertility. Varicocele is present in 35 to 44 percent of men with primary infertility and in 45 to 81 percent of men with secondary infertility.

Primary infertility is generally used to refer to a couple that hasn’t conceived a child after at least one year of trying. Secondary infertility describes couples that have conceived at least once but aren’t able to again.


Avoiding tight clothes like jeans.

Improper sitting postures.

Improper working conditions.

Exposure to excessive heat etc.

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