In unani system of medicine following basics principals are used in the management of diseases depending upon the pathology involved in the diseases process
1-Removal of the causative facter ( izala-i-sabab)
The causative factors in the pathology of the disease process are determine and removed for the proper management of the disease
2-Normalization of the morbid treatment ( tadil-i- mizaj)
The disease in which the temperament of a person is altered without affecting the quality and quantity of humors , only correction of simple morbid temperament is required.
This is achieved simply by modifying the lifestyle of the patient in the life of description of the essential and non- essential factors.
3-Evacuation of morbid material(Tanqiya)
The temperament is changed due to increase in the quantity of certain humours and that morbid material in the body gets accumulated the morbid material of the body is evacuated by various therapies through different routes of the treatment of the disease e.g.cupping (hijama) venesection (fasd),Leeching (Taliq) Concoctive(Munzij)Purgative (Mushil) Therapy, Expectoration (Tanfis) Diuresis (Idral-iBawl)and Diaphoresis(tariq)
4-Heterotherapy(Ilaj bi’-Didd)
This is the main principle of treatment in unani system of medicine in which the drug having temperament opposite to the disease is administered for the correction of morbid temperament and cure of illness.
5-Holistic aproch
In the management of the systemic diseases the entire lifestyle and the constitution of the patient is taken into account for making diagnosis and prescribing correct treatment. It includes habit, habitat, physical emotional temperamental and humoral status of the patient and condition of system /organof the body involved. Taking all these factors into account the treatment of the disease is prescribed.
Surgical and Para-surgical procedures (Ilaj bi l-Yad)
In unani system of medicine diseases of the structure and breach of continuity are treated by using suitable operative and Para operative techniques.
6-Psychiatric treatment (Ilaj Nafsani)
Unani system of medicine treats psychiatric diseases and psychic element of psycho-somatic diseases by using drugs modifying mind related processes like sleep and psychotherapy. It is able to use drugs by its discovery of the substance of mind i.e. psychic pneuma (Ruh Nafsani) while its appreciation of the medical importance of processes physical conditions etc. Which it organizes as Six essential factors Asbab sitta Daruriyya) helps it closely relate sleep etc to the improvement of psychiatric and psycho-somatic diseases. It also makes use of psychotherapy by manipulation of mind by verbal means.
7-Spiritual treatment (Ilaj-Ruhan)
Unani system of medicine recognises the role of spiritual health and treatment by discovering that the spirit is joined to the pneuma and through it to the body and leaves spiritual treatment of religious and spiritual counseling by spiritual authorities Although it does not oblige the physician to be a spiritual counseling which has a powerful role in healthcare by facilitating a healthy lifestyle and distressing.
8-Three primary sources of drugs (Marwalid Thalatha)
In unani system of medicine drug substances are obtained from herbal animal and mineral sources for the medication purposes in their natural form. Sometimes these drugs are used in simple form and sometimes in the form of a compound of various drugs. They may be subjected to physico chemical processes but without breaking up their natural character. Thus unani system of medicine uses only natural substances in treatment.