Monday, 26 February 2018



Baras(vitiligo) is defined as white colouration of skin due to altered Quwwat-e-jazeba (power of absorption) Quwwat -e-masika (power of retention), Quuwwat-e-mughaiyirah (power of transformation) and Quwwat-e-dafia (power of expulsion) causing imperfect tissue metabolism 

Fasadud dam(impairment of blood) and burudatud dam (coldness of blood) are the main causes of baras. If the digestive faculty weakness and the food is not digested properly the blood becomes impure. When this impurity occurs due to balgham (phlegum) or coldness appears baras


1.Single drugs





        --Gulnar farsi etc

2.Compound drugs

       --Safoof baras

       --Itrifal shahtra

       --Sharbat mussafi khas

       --Sharbat sandal 

       --Majoon ushban khas



3.For local application 

      --Rogan babchi

      --Rogan zarareh 

      --No bars ointment

Thursday, 22 February 2018

Why is Data Collection Important For Unani Medicine

Why is Data Collection Important For Unani Medicine 

1.How can one be assured of providing high quality care systems for their every single patient in the clinic?

2. What is the importance of data collection in healthcare? What are the most efficient methods and tools to generate the necessary information?
These are the major questions we will discuss in the following article. 

The healthcare industry is developing vastly and quickly. Today, it features modern technologies, tools, and equipment to collect as much information about patients as possible, with “big data” appearing as the new trend in the industry. This has turned into the spine of the entire system. It provides numerous sources to pull out data that drives a higher level of insights, trends, and other vital issues that can be used to build an effective personalized treatment approach. Generated across a variety of sources, data collection in healthcare can also encourage efficient communication between doctors and patients, and increases the overall quality of patient care. 

For example :

-- We can predict the probability of Depression on diabetic patients
-- We can find the genes responsible for a particular disease and then target only that gene.
-- We can save a lot of patient time and doctor time by giving a common axis for patient medical records

But Still in Unani Medicines we don’t store record of the patients we need to change this as it stops us from using the power of data second time for the patient,
Please don’t think just about your clinic or practice think about all the people across the globe who will benefit from your diagnosis
For this purpose Alunani is working on a software which will make the life of every Unani Clinic easier but for this to be effective we Unani people need to change our habits and store our patient records.

So Today Alunani Appeals everyone to store their patient data and share with everyone to give Unani a better standing in the market.

Wednesday, 21 February 2018

Rheumatoid Arthritis

Wajaul mafasil (Rheumatoid Arthritis)
Wajaul mafasil (Rheumatoid Arthritis) is a disease characterized by inflammation and pain in joints of the body. Most characteristic feature is poly-arthritis with a tendency for symmetric distribution. Arthritis is caused due to predominance of one or more humors, a chronic proliferative inflammation of the synovial membrane, the potentiality of producing irreversible damage to the joint capsule and articular cartilage, as these structures are replaced by granulation tissue. 

Signs & symptoms 
. Swelling, tenderness and pain on movement of the joints 
. Low grade fever in initial stage etc

Single drugs 
Muqul,  suranjan, azaraqi & chobchini etc compound drug
Majoon suranjan,  majoon azaraqi, majoon jograj gugal , depain, nopain tablets etc

Rogan surkh , rogan qust etc

Regimental Therapy 
Cupping (Hijamah)
Hot fomentation
Nutool (wet fomentation)
The study conducted on8000 cases with three combination of coded unani drugs UNIM-301+UNIM-302, showed therapeutic effects in providing complete relief in 42% patients respectively.the efficacy of regimen therapy namely cupping(hijama) in rheumatoid arthritis and osteoarthritis and achieved   
significant results.

Saturday, 10 February 2018

Zinc is a chemical element with symbol Zn and atomic number 30. It is the first element in group 12 of the periodic table. In some respects zinc is chemically similar to magnesium: both elements exhibit only one normal oxidation state (+2), and the Zn2+ and Mg2+ions are of similar size. Zinc is the 24th most abundant element in Earth's crust and has five stable isotopes.
. A variety of zinc compounds are commonly used, such as zinc carbonate and zinc gluconate (as dietary supplements), zinc chloride (in deodorants), zinc pyrithione (anti-dandruff shampoos), zinc sulfide (in luminescent paints), and zinc methyl or zinc diethyl in the organic laboratory. Top of Form
Zinc (Zn) is an essential trace element that is for plants and animals. A lack of zinc can make a person more susceptible to disease and illness.
It is responsible for a number of functions in the human body, and it helps stimulate the activity of at least 100 different enzymes. Only a small intake of zinc is necessary to reap the benefits.

The best sources of zinc are beans, animal meats, nuts, fish and other seafood, whole grain cereals, and dairy products. Zinc is also added to some breakfast cereals and other fortified foods.
Vegetarians may require up to 50 percent more than the recommended intake of zinc because of low bioavailability of zinc from plant-based foods.
Foods with the highest reported zinc content are:
raw oysters (Pacific), baked beans, canned, crab, King Alaskan, lobster cooked, wild rice, peas green, yogurt, pecans, peanuts dry roasted,
Recommended dietary allowance (RDA) for zinc in the United States is 8 milligrams (mg) a day for women and 11 mg a day for men.
It has been proven time and again that isolating certain nutrients in supplement form will not provide the same health benefits as consuming the nutrient from a whole food. First focus on obtaining your daily zinc requirement from foods, then use supplements as a backup if necessary.
Zinc and regulating immune function
Zinc is vital for a healthy immune system, correctly synthesizing DNA, promoting healthy growth during childhood, and healing wounds.
According to the European Journal of Immunology, the human body needs zinc to activate T lymphocytes (T cells).T cells help the body in two ways:
Controlling and regulating immune responses
Attacking infected or cancerous cells.
Zinc deficiency can severely impair immune system function.
These T cells also help in controlling and regulating immune responses and in people with zinc deficiency; the immune system is suppressed putting them at risk for infections and illnesses. Zinc has a great role in maintaining skin integrity
According to a study published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, "zinc-deficient persons experience increased susceptibility to a variety of pathogens."
Zinc for treating diarrhea
Zinc is essential for healthy gut function and it is one of the best remedies for diarrhoea. Deficiency can lead to leaky gut syndrome.
According to the World Health Organization, diarrhea kills an astonishing 1.6 million children under 5 every year. Zinc pills may help reduce diarrhea.
A PLoS Medicine study, which "followed a nationwide public health campaign to increase zinc use for childhood diarrhea in Bangladesh," confirmed that a 10-day course of zinc tablets is effective at treating diarrhea and also helps prevent future bouts of the condition.
Zinc effects on memory
Research conducted at the University of Toronto and published in the journal Neuron suggested that zinc has a crucial role in regulating how neurons communicate with one another, affecting how memories are formed and how we learn.
Zinc to treat the common cold
Zinc lozenges were found to shorten the duration of common cold episodes by up to 40 percent in a study published in the Open Respiratory Medicine Journal.
Taking "zinc (lozenges or syrup) is beneficial in reducing the duration and severity of the common cold in healthy people, when taken within 24 hours of onset of symptoms."
Zinc's role in wound healing
Zinc plays a role in maintaining skin integrity and structure. Patients experiencing chronic wounds or ulcers often have deficient zinc metabolism and lower serum zinc levels. Zinc is often used in skin creams for treating diaper rash or other skin irritations. Delayed wound healing is one of the first symptoms of zinc deficiency
A Swedish study that analyzed zinc in wound healing concluded, "Topical zinc may stimulate leg ulcer healing by enhancing re-epithelialization, decreasing inflammation and bacterial growth. When zinc is applied on wounds, it not only corrects a local zinc deficit but also acts pharmacologically."
However, research has not consistently shown that use of zinc sulfate in patients with chronic wounds or ulcers is effective at improving healing rate. . Zinc reduces free radical damage, which is responsible for chronic inflammation. Including an adequate amount of zinc in diet can reduce this inflammation, leading to preventing heart disease, reducing the incidence of cancer, etc Zinc and decreased risk of age-related chronic disease
A study from researchers at Oregon State University have found that improving zinc status through diet and supplementation may reduce the risk of inflammatory diseases. It has been known for decades that zinc has a significant role in immune function. Deficiency has been linked to increased inflammation in chronic disease and triggering new inflammatory processes.
Zinc for preventing age-related macular degeneration (AMD)
Zinc prevents cellular damage in the retina, which helps in delaying the progression of AMD and vision loss, according to a study published in the Archives of Ophthalmology.
Zinc and fertility
Several studies and trials have linked poor zinc status with low sperm quality. For example, one study in the Netherlands found that subjects had a higher sperm count after zinc sulfate and folic acid supplementation. In another study, researchers concluded that poor zinc intake may be a risk factor for low quality of sperm and male infertility. . Zinc deficiency is shown to produce delayed sexual maturation. During the growing years especially, it is very important to provide an adequate amount of zinc for the body, either naturally or through supplements. Fertility and zinc also has a strong correlation. In males, it affects both the quantity and quality of sperm production. The sperm count was shown to improve with zinc supplementation in males who complained of low sperm count.
Other possible benefits
Zinc may also be effective for the treatment of:
acne - one study, published in JAMA, showed promising results of zinc sulfate for the treatment of acne
attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD)
preventing and treating pneumonia
Recommended intake
Adequate zinc intake is especially important for children because even mild zinc deficiency can impede growth, increase risk of infection, and increase risk of diarrhea and respiratory disease.
The recommended intake for children 1-8 years old ranges from 3-5 milligrams, increasing as the child gets older.
Males 9-13 years old require 8 milligrams of zinc per day. After the age of 14, the requirement increases to the 11 milligrams per day that is required for all adult males. For females over the age of 8, the requirement stays stable at 8 milligrams per day, except for ages 14-18, where the recommendation increases to 9 milligrams per day.
Pregnant and lactating women have an increased need for zinc at 11-13 milligrams per day, depending on age